National Claims Advice Hotline 0818 252 800

National Claims Advice Hotline 0818 252 800

Will you using a Loss Assessor cause problems with my Insurance Company?

Will you using a Loss Assessor cause problems with my Insurance Company?

Insurance companies don’t like Loss Assessors due to the fact that we get a better settlement for you when making an insurance claim but just as in a court of law, would you go unrepresented?

Loss Assessor Inurance Companies Pro Insurance ClaimBy the very nature of insurance companies marketing, the spend millions trying to disillusion being into a false sense that making an insurance claim is easy.

Under the Consumer Protection Code there is specific pieces of legislation insisting that insurance companies must make claimants aware that they can appoint their own loss assessor this is defined as


“In the case of motor insurance and property insurance claims, and other claims where relevant, the regulated entity must notify the claimant that the claimant may appoint a loss assessor to act in their interests but that any such appointment will be at the claimant’s expense and the regulated entity must maintain a record of this notification.”

However, insurance companies highlight “at your own cost” while we are a cost that isn’t covered within your policy it must be stated that we are not a “real” cost as we get higher awards due to the fact we utilise the terms and conditions of your policy and typically achieve at least a 30% better settlement net of our fees, so are we really a cost when making a claim?

Another important point within the Consumer Protection Code is

“At the claimant’s request and with the claimant’s written consent, a regulated entity must engage with a third party which a claimant has appointed to act on his or her behalf in relation to a claim.”

Therefore, while they might not like Loss Assessors, they are legally obliged to engage directly with a Loss Assessor and indeed settle your claim with us when appointed.

Loss Assessing is a relatively new industry and in the old days we weren’t needed as insurance companies generally were respected however in today’s market Loss Assessing is very much a growing industry with this office having achieved over 25% growth for the past two years which demonstrates the need for our Loss Assessor services.

In a lot of cases a loss assessor will streamline the insurance claims  process for you and give you give good advice for your benefit. If you are in doubt as to whether or not you should appoint us to act on your behalf as your Loss Assessor, please contact us today and we will be able to explain the many benefits we can provide for your insurance claim.