National Claims Advice Hotline 0818 252 800

National Claims Advice Hotline 0818 252 800


Fire is often referred to as a friend and foe, when a fire occurs within your home it naturally isn’t welcomed and as such can lead to the necessity of making a fire insurance claim. Fire Insurance Claims deal with a multitude of issues and some insurers now bring in their own panel builders to complete the works leading to you having no control over the reinstatement of the damage caused by your fire insurance claim. Other insurers employ their own loss adjusters, these loss adjusters are extremely difficult to deal with due to the fact they’re trying to illustrate savings to their employer, these savings are at your expense when completing your fire insurance claim. Why should you settle for less when making your fire insurance claim?

Typically we achieve a 30% better settlement offer net of our fee for you when making an insurance claim. As property is a complex area, it is best to seek independent advice as there may be items of scope that you are entitled to claim for that insurers won’t inform you of. While insurers Loss Adjusters claim to act independently on your behalf, what they neglect to say is that their fee is paid by the insurance company.

As the old saying goes “he who pays the piper, plays the tune”.

Has your property had an issue with Water leaks, suffered damage due to a House fire, Chimney Fire, explosion, accidental damage or  has been affected by theft? If so talk to one of our Loss Assessor experts, we are here to ensure your residential insurance claim is dealt with thoroughly and efficiently.

Case Study: Property Insurance Claims

A client contacted us regarding a property insurance claim for their commercial premises which had incurred numerous foul waters within the building. We treated the matter as urgent as there was an occupied tenant within the building and they has to act promptly to protect their position accordingly. We notified insurers immediately and had insurers loss adjusters appointed thereafter. We conducted a joint inspection of the property and updated our client accordingly. Their tenants were of the opinion that they couldn’t reopen the premises until all the works had been completed however we were concerned for our clients and proposed that they take all evasive actions and mitigate their tenants loss correctly. This was completed with our expertise, we then subsequently settled the claim for €55,000. Our client was of the opinion that we achieved a €15,000 better award than they would have gotten themselves notwithstanding the benefits of the advice’s we provided to prevent any subsequent third party claim from their insurers in relation to their tenants loss.