National Claims Advice Hotline 0818 252 800

National Claims Advice Hotline 0818 252 800

Water Leak – Do I need a loss assessor?

At this stage your either have contacted your insurance company or are about to regarding your recent water leak.  Read the article on how to deal with your water leak and contact us immediately for independent loss assessor advice.

Water leakDue to the excess snow load throughout Meath, Dublin, Kildare, Wexford, etc it is inevitable that pipe work within the attic will become frozen leading to water leaks within your home. The situation this year is somewhat different to 2010, as the thaw came on St. Stephen’s Day then. The issue today is that when the pipes begin to thaw, the roads may be still impassable therefore the water leak will be significantly larger.

Immediate Water Leak Actions – Call a Plumber and a Loss Assessor

Obtaining the services of a plumber to explain the location within your home to turn off the water is necessary due to the fact your  home insurance policy will stipulate that you should “take evasive action and mitigate your loss”, in simple English this means do everything possible to stop the damage getting worse.

Most insurance policies cover you in the event of a water leak however there are often a number of other terms and conditions that you must satisfy before they will make payment, typically these include but not limited to,

  • The property must be occupied within 30 days of the loss, in some occasions this can be extended to 60 days. Each insurer varies in their risk criteria.
  • The damage must not be caused by wear, tear or deterioration. This basically means the water leak must be sudden and identifiable, what it typically excludes is slow water leaks at shower trays that are caused due to poor construction practices.
  • They also exclude the component or appliance from which the water leaks (unless caused by freezing)
  • Water leaks generally carry a higher policy excess due to the fact there is a benefit of a trace & access section on your policy.
  • Some insurers don’t cover water leaks while the home is unfurnished.
  • They also won’t cover the water leak if the leak is shown to be present prior to policy inception.

The aforementioned highlights some of the onerous terms and conditions within your home insurance policy which you need to be aware of before making a water leak claim.

Some recommendations to avoid water leak damage within your home would be,

  • Lag pipes and water tanks wherever possible.
  • Leave the underside of tanks free to ensure rising warmth can reach them.
  • Replace washers on dripping taps.
  • Before going on holidays turn off your water supply at the stopcock and also,
  • Drain your water system and tank or alternatively, maintain an adequate heating level throughout the house to prevent your pipes from freezing if your trip is during winter months.

If you have suffered a water leak damage in your home and want to achieve a 30% better cash settlement offer net of our fee please contact Pro Insurance Claims today to discuss the damage.