National Claims Advice Hotline 0818 252 800

National Claims Advice Hotline 0818 252 800

Loss Assessor News

Loss Assessor News

A loss Assessors view,

2016 has been an extremely busy period for this company due to weather related events as we have incurred eights storms this year. This has given rise to our claims volume however some areas for concern within the insurance claims industry are noted.

Insurance companies are still loosing money and one of their largest expenses is claim payouts therefore when you make a genuine claim you could get less than you deserve. The construction industry is now finally getting back to some level of activity which is due to our economy improving however the low prices once offered by builders in 2009 and 2010 are no longer available.

Insurance Companies used the recession to their advantage and in particular used panel builders to drive down claim payouts and complete works to an unsatisfactory standard. This was evident of panel builder networks offered to unsuspecting clients. The panel builder network failed miserably for most insurance companies with only one still offering same. Now when using a Loss Assessor you will receive a cash settlement leaving you in control of who you appoint.

Policy wording and policy excess have changed considerably within the last number of years, whereby insurers have increased policy excesses and changed wording.

Some wording that creates concern is the wording of the “matching policy”. If a claimant has a complete floor throughout the house, the policy excludes for replacement within the rooms that haven’t been damaged. This isn’t satisfactory and we have utilised our understanding of building methods to seek fair and reasonable compensation for policy holders in this regard.

Within Theft cases insurers have attempted to offer vouchers so that you can replace items that were stolen, these items were of considerable sentimental value to you and may result in you taking years to replace the same items. That’s why this office resisted this attempt by insurers to save money and now we offer all our clients a cash settlement when their jewellery items have been stolen.

On a positive note, the central bank made a decision that insurance companies are no longer allowed to appoint oil remediation experts directly to fix oil leak. Claimants are now allowed to make a claim on their own behalf and receive a cash settlement. It is noted that most of these experts don’t included for the total cost of repair therefore when you get an independent loss assessor you will receive your full entitlements.

If you have any queries regarding an insurance claim, please contact our office and we will do our utmost to help you.

Kind Regards, 

Pro Insurance Claims an independent loss assessor you can trust.